Here's what I call fun. You got a deep blue Bug, it's got a jolly roger over the back seat, you got good glass, nice reflections and the worst film you could think of: a two-years expired roll of Kodak Elitechrome Gold 100 pushed to 400...!
Nice to see you can safely get good b/w pictures out of it.
Would you have ever thought about it?
Nice to see you can safely get good b/w pictures out of it.
Would you have ever thought about it?
Copyright 2008 by Alessandro "RonJe" Melillo
Camera: Pentax MX - SMC M 50mm
Film: two-years-expired Kodak Elitechrome 100 pushed to 400
Focal Length: 50mm
Aperture: dunno
Exp. time: dunno
Filter: none
Location: Viareggio
Soundtrack: ---
Other: ---