martedì 16 febbraio 2010
Stalag 13
Chi si ricorda "Gli eroi di Hogan"? Certi capannoni della Fiera di Milano, in certi giorni di neve, mi sembrano proprio lo Stalag 13.
Who remembers "Hogan's Heroes"? Some sheds at Milan's Trade Fair, in sone snowy days, really remind me of Stalag 13.
More from the Fair:
Shot in a snowy Friday of February in Milan, on Fuji Neopan 400@1600, Pentax MX, Tokina 28mm, processed in Rodinal 1+25 10min
lunedì 15 febbraio 2010
Linea 1 - Line 1
Venerdi 5 Febbraio 2010, linea 1 della Metropolitana di Milano.
E' pieno di gente, ma sono salito al capolinea, così ho un posto a sedere, in fondo al vagone. Questi vecchie carrozze hanno i finestrini a ribalta, tra l'una e l'altra. E' per questo che si può vedere dall'altra parte.
E' per questo che la vedo.
Non è come sui treni, qui in metro la gente è quasi tutta seria. Anche lei è seria, avvolta nel cappotto mentre guarda di fronte a sé, come se avesse il Signor Freddo come interlocutore.
Io scendo al Duomo; tutti quanti scendono, al Duomo, penso tra me e me.
Poi arriviamo a largo Cairoli. Si alza.
Guarda: ha uno zaino perfettamente identico al mio!
E potrebbe essere un motivo buono per scambiare un sorriso, così, per gioco.
Piazza Cordusio. Le porte si aprono. Scende. Neanche si volta, sempre seria e bellissima. La folla la inghiotte, la metro riparte verso piazza Duomo.
Fuori nevica, il mio interlocutore è il Signor Freddo.
Friday 5th February 2010, line 1 of Milan's Underground.
It's crowdy, but I got on at the end of the line, so I'm sitting, in a corner of the car. These old coaches have pivoting windows at the end. That's why you can look at the other side, through them.
That's why I see her.
It's not like on the railway, here most of the people are serious. And she's serious too, wrapped in her coat while looking in front of her, as she was talking with Mr. Cold.
I get off at Duomo; evryone gets off, at Duomo, I think by myself.
We arrive at largo Cairoli. She gets up.
It's crowdy, but I got on at the end of the line, so I'm sitting, in a corner of the car. These old coaches have pivoting windows at the end. That's why you can look at the other side, through them.
That's why I see her.
It's not like on the railway, here most of the people are serious. And she's serious too, wrapped in her coat while looking in front of her, as she was talking with Mr. Cold.
I get off at Duomo; evryone gets off, at Duomo, I think by myself.
We arrive at largo Cairoli. She gets up.
Look: she has a backpack and it's just like mine!
And it could be a nice reason to exchange a smile, just for fun.
Cordusio Square. The doors open. She gets off. Without even turning her head, still serious and gorgeous. The croud swallows her, the subway leaves again to Duomo.
Outside it's snowing, I talk with Mr. Cold.
And it could be a nice reason to exchange a smile, just for fun.
Cordusio Square. The doors open. She gets off. Without even turning her head, still serious and gorgeous. The croud swallows her, the subway leaves again to Duomo.
Outside it's snowing, I talk with Mr. Cold.
Shot aboard Milan's Underground in a chilly Friday in winter, on Fuji Neopan 400 pushed up to 1600, Pentax MX, SMC 50mm
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