venerdì 28 gennaio 2011

Street photography in Japan - part two

Una selezione degli scatti streettaroli fatti in Giappone.
A selection of street shots from Japan.

Shot on FujiFilm Neopan 400@800, on Pentax MX, processed in Rodinal 1+50 12'30"

I-Ching consulting at Senso-ji, Asakusa, Tokyo

Ueno Station

Tsukiji fish market, Tokyo

Kaikan pillar, covered with labels

Temples must be guarded

Sword demonstration in Kanazawa

Kyoto, Nishiki market

Kyoto, Nishiki market, safe working...

Well, taxi aesthetics are way beyond human comprehension

Astroboy, Kyoto majestic railway station. Thank you Osamu Tezuka!

Kyoto bus, a weird transportation means

That's how people should imagine Japan in the nineteenth century.


Momiji - Maples - Aceri
Ginkaku-ji, Zen temple in Kyoto, Japan, late November 2010.
Shot with a YashicaMat on Fujifilm Provia 400X slide film

mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011

Tegamisha & Hibari

Part of Tegamisha exhibition
At the end of 2010 Tegamisha & Hibari hosted a lovely collective photo exhibition.
I happened to be there, (because Dairou Koga, a.k.a. modern_classic is one of my flickr friends) to spend a lovely morning, to find lovely people, have a good cup of coffee and I honestly have to thank Isao Kitajima who was so gentle to lead us up to the Ghibli Museum by car.
Thank you, domo arigato gozaimashita. ^_^
If I ever go to Tokyo once again I will pay you a visit!
Shot with a YashicaMat on Fuji Provia 400X

Back to Spin Doctors!

Jono Manson, Chris Barron and Lindsay Nicole Chambers - Teatro del Ciliegio, Monterotondo Marittimo (GR) - Italy - Jan 15th 2011.

Do you remember Spin Doctors? It's been long since we walked down the street singing "Two Princes":

If you want to call me baby
just go ahead now
and if you like to tell me maybe

just go ahead now
and if you wanted to buy me flowers
just go ahead now...

Well, they're back, or at least their energy. Jono Manson and Chris Barron are touring and playing with that very strength. A three parts show yoy can't miss. We did not ;-)
A wonderful night in a tiny delicious theatre.

Jono Manson

Jono Manson with a Texas tenor guitar

Jono Manson

Chris Barron and Lindsay Nicole Chambers

Chris Barron

Chris Barron and Jono Manson

Chris Barron, Jono Manson and Lindsay Nicole Chambers

Final greetings
Thank you folks, it's been a great gig.
Hope to meet you again and good luck!
Shot with my Canon Powershot G11

martedì 11 gennaio 2011

Aspettando la sposa - waiting for the bride

Perché le sposa è sempre in ritardo.
E perché guardando il lavoro di Jeff Ascough ho capito che le foto di matrimonio non sono necessariamente kitsch e scattare foto a un matrimonio può non essere così diverso dalla foto di strada.
E' così che una tradizionalmente pallosa festa di matrimonio diventa divertente.
Beh, certo, dipende dal matrimonio.
E dagli sposi, anche.
Grazie per la festa, ragazzi, e in bocca al lupo.
Because the bride is always late.
And because looking at the work of Jeff Ascough I understood that marriage photographs are not necessarily kitsch and marriage shooting can be pretty similar to street photography.
That's how a traditionally boring marriage party becomes fun.
Well, ok, it depends on the marriage.
And on the bride and groom, too.
Thanks for the party, folks, and good luck.

Shot with a small borrowed compact camera, my mother's Sony DSC-W380

Japan street contact sheets


Sviluppati ieri sera
Processed yesterday night

Neopan 400@800 - Rodinal 1+50 - 12'15"